We've been getting some Spring decorating projects done around here!
First off, awhile ago we painted the stage alcove a nice gray color (Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray) and filled the blank wall with an artistic display of old ceiling tiles found at a local consignment shop......
Close up of overlapping ceiling tiles.....
This was a quick and easy project I made using scrap wood -
Cornice boxes covered with burlap and
upholstery tacks.......
(upholstery tacks were the cheating kind that you pound in a nail every 4th one)
Overall look of living room with spring pillows.......
Love the splash of color.......
Totally in the mood for Spring.......
One of my favorite projects that I haven't posted about yet....our new china cabinet!
The china cabinet had to be TALL so the only solution within our budget was to MAKE one!
We started out by buying an old dresser on craigslist. It was lightly stained so with a quick sanding it was ready to be painted......
Dustin of course built the top and cute doors.........

I painted, distressed, and glazed........
I didn't want a normal back so I covered it with fabric, stretching it across and stapling along the
back edges of the hutch.....
Finally, a place for my linens, place mats, and extra china dishes!.....
Amazing what a few cut branches from outside can do to brighten the mood and bring the feeling of Spring inside!
Even a couple of spring pillows make me cheery.........