Thanks to my super, wonderfully handy hubby, some left over scrap wood, and a couple of hours labor, I've got an entire room dedicated to food storage.
So, well, okay, it's not the most beautiful room in the most ideal setting. It's got our huge state-of-the-art heating and air system with lots of duct work (and yes, it still stays cool down there even when the heater is running all the time). But I'm certainly not complaining, I'll take what I can get.
Here's the before picture. Notice the paint with the wallpaper border falling off............

And here's the after...............

Here's a better shot of the side wall. I've organized the shelves by Fruits & Veggies, Soups, Protein & Meats, Rice & Pastas, Baking, etc. We also have lots of dehydrated prepared meals but I'm hoping to eventually have everything I need to make 30 least 3 times to have a 30 day supply of meals......

A couple of weeks ago, Dustin and I picked peaches out in Caldwell and then I spent a couple of days making jam and canned 21 quarts of yummy sweet peaches. It will be nice to keep building up our storage now that we've got a place to put it. I must have patience's just hard to see so many empty spots on the shelves!! Thanks for reading.