Wow, I know, it's been SO long since our last blog posting that I even forgot my own password!
We HAVE been sort of busy doing little projects here and there but we took it easy this summer.
Our new bathroom has been "mostly" done since the Spring but it has taken MONTHS for our dumb vanity top to arrive. We kept calling the guy who was supposed to cut the marble but he managed to put us off the whole summer.
Here's a quick rundown of our new bathroom....
We got an old clawfoot tub on craigslist that was in good condition. Dustin was so anxious to paint it with a rust primer that I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the "before" but......

......I got a picture of the foot and this is what the whole outside of the tub used to look like.
A few different colors.........

So from the very beginning.....between our bedroom and the kitchen, we took a wide open space and framed in a small but much needed bathroom. This is looking into the future doorway......
Below is the vanity that Dustin built. We thought we would be saving $$$ by building it but nope....Home Depot probably would have been cheaper. But, I love it and am so
proud of Dustin for making it!
I'm sure I wouldn't have found something this cute at a big home center, right?
Note: Missing the back splash! Can you believe after waiting all summer for the vanity top,
the guy forgets to bring the back splash? Maybe we'll get it next Spring.
I hoped by having an open vanity it would make the space appear larger. I think I was right.....
More storage in this built-in cabinet (lots of shelves for bathroom supplies). By the way, Dustin did all the trim work too. The only thing we had help with was the
marble cutting and the plumbing.......
Here's the clawfoot tub....we painted the outside of it a soft yellow like the vanity. Hopefully soon, we will be getting one of those new (but old fashioned looking) telephone faucets that has a shower head.....most helpful for rinsing the hair.......

Pretty glass chandelier from craigslist too (a $35 score).
I bought a glass bead garland to dress it up a bit.......

So, the bathroom is small and compact (I prefer the word "cozy') but I think it's beautiful and functional. And speaking of cozy, I love our new's one of my favorite places to be in the whole house.