Well, after a nice long vacation to Aspen Grove in Utah, it's time to get back to business....decisions, decisions! This entryway is taking way longer than I thought it would. Life and daily responsibilities really get in the way sometimes! ha ha.So after some experimenting and a few opinions, I think we decided to go with green beadboard with the cream colored walls. I wanted to do something different....not your typical white wainscoting....so on this little section (below) I tried a brown undercoat of paint with a green glaze over it. I wiped and brushed a little to give it a different, maybe aged look..? Because the glaze I mixed in was white, I thought this green ended up being too light....

I tried a little section with the same technique but with brown. I should have taken a picture of the whole effect since this isn't a very good close up but you get the idea. Thanks to the opinions of sis-in-law Sara and great pal Lonni (both with great design prowess), as much as we loved this brown, it just wouldn't work best in this entryway. It looked good in the morning but way too dark the rest of the day and since there would be so much of it, it would feel too much like a cave. Not to mention what would we do with the black staircase?

So, I'm pretty sure I'm going with this darker green (any last words?). I think it will set the black staircase off nicely and also our brown antique coat hanger thing (what's it called, mom?) that I love so much.

Oh, and just had to fit this in also. Tonight, Dustin put up the ceiling fans....

After a minor marital spat of whether or not to have black or brown (and a couple of trips back and forth to Home Depot) we decided on the brown.....even though I don't like that brown two-toned wood look on the blades. I'm hoping it will all blend in and the fans will be the least looked at anyway.